Thursday, November 26, 2009

Amazing Space Images Gallery

Amazing Space Images Gallery

Wow! Just wow!!

Check it out!

Be Thankful On This Day

Today is a day to share, with family and friends and neighbors. A day to be thankful for the blessings that we've been granted in the past year -- and those in the year to come.

The turkey is in the smoker. Giblets are simmering on the stove. Soon I'll make some apple pies to go with the pumpkin and sweet potato pies I've already made. And a pea salad to go with the huge potluck.

We'll celebrate with our neighbors this year, while my parents and family in Oregon celebrate at my sister and brother-in-law's new house. (It's FINALLY ready for company!)

We will be thankful.

Tomorrow is soon enough to worry about bills and jobs and money and all the troubles of the world.

Today, well, we will be thankful on this day.